Monday, November 1, 2010

Collaborative Dispute Resolution

Collaborative Dispute Resolution.  What a mouthful but what does it mean.

First it acknowledges that we all have differences.  Differences that we may not be able to work through without outside help.  This phrases refers to the type of outside help you use.

If you can solve the problem by working with the parties involved, you can hire a lawyer and start the legal battle.  Or, you can hire a team that includes a legal advice, financial advice and life coach or counseling advice.

The goal of collaborative dispute resolution is to build a team that will help the people involved in the dispute come to an agreeable solution without creating mortal enemies.

At Discovery Counseling we have a unique set of skills that can help in building this team.  Dennis Gowin has a CPA background with a law degree and is a licensed mental health counselor. He has spent over 20 years in litigation support and knows the pitfalls and expense of taking it to Court.  Cheryl Gowin has an MBA, a CPA and Masters in Counseling.  Her background includes helping individuals plan for life changes and the financial and emotional struggles brought on by these changes.

Collaborative Dispute Resolution -- finding a workable solution for both parties without tearing each apart.  It works, try it.

Cheryl Gowin
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